Recent news and publications
Knoff et al., 2024, Journal of Neuropsychology
Dr. Knoff and her collaborators showed that older adults at increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease related cognitive decline mentally access their autobiographical memories differently, relative to older adults at low risk for futcre ogntive declne.
McVeigh et al., 2024, Aging, Neuropsychology, & Cognition
Katie and team found that daily social interaction may not relate to executive functioning among older adults. This study is now in press in the journal Aging, Neuropsychology, & Cognition.
Stoica et al., 2024, Affective Science
Dr. Stoica and team discovered that older adults’ resting thoughts differ from young adults in their positive affect.
Sabharwal-Siddiqi et al., 2024, Neuropsychologia
In collaboration with the Dr. Ekstrom Lab, we found that the medial temporal lobes play in role in the precision of semantic memories.
Mariam Hovhannisyan named 2024 Galileo Circle Scholar
Congratulations to Mariam on receiving this prestigious award!
Mónica adds "Dr." to her name
Congratulations to DR. Mónica Acevedo-Molina. Stay tuned for a pre-print of her dissertation work on autobiographical memory in bilingual young and older Hispanic adults.